Performance Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

What Does the Anode Rod Do for Your Water Heater?

Monday, September 13th, 2021

water-heaterIf we asked you to name the most important home comfort appliance in your home, what would you name? If you said your water heater, then we’re definitely on the same wavelength! The water heater within your home is a true workhorse. It provides you with the hot water you need to take a shower, wash dishes, do the laundry, and so much more. If you’re using a tank water heater, then there is a component that you rely on heavily for this to all happen, even though you’ve likely never heard about it–the anode rod.

No, the anode rod is not a household name, but it really is important for homes outfitted with storage tank type water heaters. It provides an essential function after all. The anode rod doesn’t last the entire lifespan of the water heater though, so it’s important for you to know the condition that yours is in. Read on to learn more!

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What You Should Know about Tankless Water Heaters

Monday, July 19th, 2021

technicians-hands-working-on-water-linesWhen most folks envision a water heater, they see a big tank, with pipes and water lines coming out of it. What if you take away the tank, though?

Maybe you’re scratching your head–if you’ve never actually seen a tankless system in action, this is understandable. But it’s just what it sounds like! It’s a water heater that does not require the use of a tank holding gallons of hot water. It’s a great piece of technology with a number of benefits.

Read on to learn what these benefits are!

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Do Water Heaters Need Maintenance?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

sink-faucet-with-hot-water-coming-outThe short answer to this is, “yes.” Why? Because of something called hard water and scaling. You’ve likely heard these terms before, but maybe you didn’t quite understand what they meant. Hard water refers to a water supply that has a large amount of minerals in it—namely calcium, magnesium, and iron. For most people, this is perfectly safe to ingest. But it’s not so great for your plumbing system, including the water heater.

The mineral deposits that get left behind are what result in scaling. Scaling can negatively impact your water heater in worse ways than any other portion of your plumbing system. While you’re able to clean scaling out of a faucet with a wrench and some vinegar, it’s not so easy when it comes to your water heater. Read on to learn more!

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Here’s Why Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance Too…

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Since tankless water heaters are so much smaller and have less components than a traditional tank water heater, many homeowners might think theirs doesn’t actually need maintenance, but this actually isn’t the case.

We understand why you might not think that a tankless system needs routine service like this. Tank systems are big, sometimes fairly noisy, and a pretty apparent presence in the home, right? Alternatively, tankless systems are just a small addition to the home. But yes, they do need maintenance, and this service will be pretty close to what a storage tank needs too. Read on to learn why!

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Is Your Water Heater Struggling?

Monday, March 1st, 2021


If there’s any home comfort appliance that doesn’t get enough credit for how much it does for your household, it’s probably your water heater.

These systems are built durably, going under a lot of stress throughout the year—some of them never even turn off for that long, staying on to maintain a steady, standing supply of hot water at all times. However, even the sturdiest system will eventually need repair and even replacement.

There will be times when a water heater malfunctions, and it’s important that you understand when it’s time to call a pro. One of the main signs of a water heater that’s struggling is that you notice a drop in hot water output. If you discover this, it’s time to give us a call. This can happen for a number of reasons, which we’ve covered below:

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Should You Upgrade to a Higher Efficiency Water Heater?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

pipes-and-water-heater-tankYour water heater is probably the most underrated appliance in your home. Think about it—you use it every day, but do you really think about it every day? Chances are, the answer to that is no. That is, no, until something goes wrong with it.

The fact of the matter is, no water heater lasts forever. But the good news is, if yours is getting ready to fail, upgrading to a new, higher efficiency model is only going to benefit you! Today’s water heaters are much more efficient than those of even 5-10 years ago, which means that when you replace yours, you’ll start saving energy and subsequently start saving money each month.

But, how do you know it’s actually time to replace this system? Many homeowners, after all, wait until it’s too late to upgrade theirs—meaning their water heater completely breaks down and they’re left without hot water for days. This doesn’t have to be your story! Read on as we uncover the signs that it’s time for you to make the upgrade.

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How You Can Boost Water Heater Efficiency

Monday, December 21st, 2020

water-coming-out-of-faucet-creating-steamThese days, with homeowners spending a lot more time in their living spaces than ever before, it’s easy to understand why home comfort has become a bit of a buzzword. Home comfort means a lot of things—having the right HVAC systems in place, addressing any indoor air quality issues you might have, and maintaining your plumbing system. A big part of that plumbing system? Your water heater!

Water heaters are one of the unsung heroes of any home. They’re an appliance we use every day and yet you likely take it for granted. Due to this, you may actually be using your water heater inefficiently, and paying more than you should have to in order to use it. The good news is, there are ways to boost your water heater efficiency. Read on as we uncover some of them!

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Yes, Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance—Here’s Why!

Monday, December 7th, 2020


The thing about scaling, is that it’s easy to clean out and off of facuets and drain openings. But it’s not so easy to clean out when it comes to your water heater—for that you will need professional maintenance.

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Water Heater Installation: Should You Go with a Tank or Tankless?

Monday, November 9th, 2020

hot-water-coming-from-faucet-with-steamIf there is any appliance in the average home that gets taken the most for granted, we’re going to hazard a guess and say it’s the water heater. We rely on these systems the most out of all the other systems in our home, but don’t typically think about them, until something goes wrong.

And when something goes wrong that leads to water heater replacement, you’ll probably be tempted to rush into a purchase to get your comfort back as quickly as possible. We really want to encourage you to do your research though, and get our help determining what type of water heater is best for you. Sure, you can go with another tank water heater if that’s what you’ve always had. But what if a tankless system could serve you better? Read on to learn more!

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Do Tank Water Heaters Need Maintenance?

Monday, September 28th, 2020

water-heater-tankThe short answer to this is “yes,” which might leave you wondering why. We have the answers you seek!

First off, have you heard of hard water before? This is water with a high presence of minerals in it–namely magnesium and calcium, and sometimes even iron. For most people. these minerals are completely harmless to ingest. Unfortunately, though, it leads to scaling, which damages your plumbing.

Scaling is the name given to the deposits that get left behind due to these minerals, and they can impact your water heater worse than any other portion of your plumbing system. While scale can be cleaned relatively easily from a faucet, it’s not so simple when it comes to your water heater. Read on to learn more, and when you’re ready to schedule water heater maintenance reach out to our team!

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