Have You Noticed These Signs of Hard Water?

April 26th, 2021

two-techs-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitYou may have heard the term hard water at some point, yet not really understood exactly what it was. That’s okay, we’re here to help! Hard water isn’t something that’s harmful to you or your family, so let’s get that out of the way. It simply describes water with a high level of minerals in it—namely magnesium, calcium, and iron.

While these minerals aren’t harmful for you, they can certainly be a threat to your quality of life through your plumbing system. The minerals turn into deposits, clinging to the lining of your pipes and leading to problems like leaks, blockages, and corrosion. Ultimately hard water can end up being a pretty costly issue—so how do you know if your home has this problem? Read on to learn some of the signs.

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How to Avoid Troublesome Drain Problems

April 12th, 2021

sink-drain-with-water-flowing-downIf we asked you what the #1 most common and annoying plumbing problem is, what would your answer be? Our answer would be a drain clog—that’s what we hear from most of our customers. Just about everyone has dealt with a clogged up or slow drain at some point in their home—and we certainly deal with a lot of drain clogs in the homes we serve.

We’d like to help you avoid this! If we could help you have as few plumbing problems as possible, then we’ve done our job right. Read on as we uncover some of the preventive steps you can start taking today.

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Here’s Why Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance Too…

March 29th, 2021

Since tankless water heaters are so much smaller and have less components than a traditional tank water heater, many homeowners might think theirs doesn’t actually need maintenance, but this actually isn’t the case.

We understand why you might not think that a tankless system needs routine service like this. Tank systems are big, sometimes fairly noisy, and a pretty apparent presence in the home, right? Alternatively, tankless systems are just a small addition to the home. But yes, they do need maintenance, and this service will be pretty close to what a storage tank needs too. Read on to learn why!

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How to Do Drain Cleaning Right

March 15th, 2021

kitchen-sink-drainOne of the most common ways that homeowners treat their clogged or dirty drains is with store-bought chemical drain cleaners. But, this can be a mistake. Actually, it probably will be a mistake.

Hear us out! We get it—this is a quick, affordable method to get the job done quickly. But affordable quick fixes aren’t always the best choice—especially when that choice can lead to costly, urgent problems later one.

Read on as we uncover the best way to do drain cleaning—by calling a professional and forgoing store-bought “solutions.”

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Is Your Water Heater Struggling?

March 1st, 2021


If there’s any home comfort appliance that doesn’t get enough credit for how much it does for your household, it’s probably your water heater.

These systems are built durably, going under a lot of stress throughout the year—some of them never even turn off for that long, staying on to maintain a steady, standing supply of hot water at all times. However, even the sturdiest system will eventually need repair and even replacement.

There will be times when a water heater malfunctions, and it’s important that you understand when it’s time to call a pro. One of the main signs of a water heater that’s struggling is that you notice a drop in hot water output. If you discover this, it’s time to give us a call. This can happen for a number of reasons, which we’ve covered below:

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Beware These Signs You May Have a Plumbing Leak

February 15th, 2021

leaky-burst-pipeIf we asked you to name a time you saw someone discovering a leak when a rainstorm hit, and the leak was coming from a super obvious location like the middle of the ceiling, you would probably say “in a movie,” or “in a TV show,” right? That’s because this isn’t usually the reality of a leak.

Most plumbing leaks are a lot more subtle than that, and hidden. The problem is, though, that even though they seem subtle, they can do a lot of damage before they become obvious. Instead of having a little hole in your roof to patch up after a rainstorm, you could have thousands of dollars in drywall and flooring to replace after a slab leak or a leak behind a wall.

We don’t say this to panic you, but rather to stress the importance of knowing the warning signs to watch out for that indicate you do in fact have a plumbing leak. Read on to find out what they are!

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Ominous Signs of Sewer Line Trouble

February 1st, 2021

tree-root-in-pipeIf we were to ask you what the most important part of your plumbing system is, what would your answer be? If it’s “my sewer line,” we’d be inclined to agree! After all, it has a big job of removing wastewater from your home and moving it into the municipal sewer system, safely and hygienically away from your home. Sewer lines are typically buried beneath the ground, in the back or front yard, where they’re safe from damage due to inclement weather or wear and tear.

That doesn’t mean they’re indestructible, however. Landscaping like trees and shrubs can grow roots that infiltrate the line, for example. A shift in the soil can create instability and cause your pipes to shift and break, as well.

If any of this does happen, all you have to do is give our team a call! But first, you’d need to know you even have a problem. Keep reading as we go over some of the most common signs of sewer line leaks.

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What’s Wrong with Store Bought Drain Cleaning Solutions?

January 18th, 2021

If you’re like many homeowners, when you discover that you have a clog, your first instinct is probably to reach for that bottle of chemical, store-bought drain cleaning “solution” that you got at the grocery store.

The problem with this is… you’re probably doing more harm than good.

That’s right, these chemical solutions can actually hurt your drains and the rest of your plumbing system. While they may temporarily clear out the affected pipe, they do so at a considerable cost—one that most homeowners don’t realize they’re paying.

Read on to learn more about what you’re doing to your plumbing system when you use store-bought remedies and what you can do instead.

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Should You Upgrade to a Higher Efficiency Water Heater?

January 4th, 2021

pipes-and-water-heater-tankYour water heater is probably the most underrated appliance in your home. Think about it—you use it every day, but do you really think about it every day? Chances are, the answer to that is no. That is, no, until something goes wrong with it.

The fact of the matter is, no water heater lasts forever. But the good news is, if yours is getting ready to fail, upgrading to a new, higher efficiency model is only going to benefit you! Today’s water heaters are much more efficient than those of even 5-10 years ago, which means that when you replace yours, you’ll start saving energy and subsequently start saving money each month.

But, how do you know it’s actually time to replace this system? Many homeowners, after all, wait until it’s too late to upgrade theirs—meaning their water heater completely breaks down and they’re left without hot water for days. This doesn’t have to be your story! Read on as we uncover the signs that it’s time for you to make the upgrade.

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How You Can Boost Water Heater Efficiency

December 21st, 2020

water-coming-out-of-faucet-creating-steamThese days, with homeowners spending a lot more time in their living spaces than ever before, it’s easy to understand why home comfort has become a bit of a buzzword. Home comfort means a lot of things—having the right HVAC systems in place, addressing any indoor air quality issues you might have, and maintaining your plumbing system. A big part of that plumbing system? Your water heater!

Water heaters are one of the unsung heroes of any home. They’re an appliance we use every day and yet you likely take it for granted. Due to this, you may actually be using your water heater inefficiently, and paying more than you should have to in order to use it. The good news is, there are ways to boost your water heater efficiency. Read on as we uncover some of them!

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