Performance Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘St. Louis’

What You Should Know Before Remodeling Your Kitchen

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Kitchen-SinkThe kitchen is one of the most common areas that get remodeled in the home, and no wonder. It’s a very important part of the house! People spend a lot of time in their kitchens, using them for preparing meals, entertaining guests, etc. etc. Why wouldn’t you want your kitchen to be as efficient and inviting as possible? Before you start tearing everything out and replacing it, though, there are some things that you need to know.

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Common Water Heater Problems to Watch For

Monday, July 9th, 2018

tank-water-heaterWater heaters are fairly solid systems, but they’re not immune to issues. Sooner or later, they will develop problems even with careful maintenance. In cases like those, it’s best that you be able to identify them as quickly as possible. The faster you can pinpoint issues affecting your system, the faster you can have them repaired and the better off your water heater will be. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the more common water heater issues and their warning signs.

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Bathroom Remodeling Options You Should Consider

Monday, May 28th, 2018

BathroomThe bathroom is one of the most heavily remodeled areas in the average home. Of course it is! It’s a vital part of your daily routine, you spend more time in there than you probably realize, and it’s often one of the first places that most guests to your home will see.

So, if you’re remodeling your bathroom this summer, make sure that you have it set up exactly the way you like it. Check out some of the bathroom remodeling options we’ve outlined below to help you get started on brainstorming options for your own bathroom.

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Why Your Water Heater Isn’t Providing Enough Hot Water

Monday, April 30th, 2018

water-heater-repairThere are a few different possible symptoms that your water heater is struggling in some way. One of the more obvious ones, of course, is if the system isn’t actually providing any hot water. If your water heater isn’t providing the level of hot water that it should be, there might be a couple of different reasons why. Have a look below for a list of issues that can cause this, and what can be done about them.

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Keep Your Plumbing System Healthy with These Expert Tips

Monday, April 16th, 2018

Pipe-RuptureIt can be very difficult to keep your plumbing system healthy throughout the years, with much of the system being hidden from sight and all. Sitting around and waiting for problems to present themselves is not really the best tactic to use if you want to keep your system in good shape, though. Plumbing issues are subtle, and tend not to give off symptoms until they are quite far along. If you want to keep your plumbing system as healthy as possible, there are a couple of different steps you can take. Read on for more on these steps, and the advantages they can provide.

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Why It Might be a Good Idea for You to Install an Automatic Shutoff Valve

Monday, March 19th, 2018

frozen-pipe-ruptureHave you ever had a plumbing emergency in your home? We mean one where water was pouring all over the floor and you had to run around keeping everything as dry as possible while phoning a plumber? If you have, then you’re going to appreciate what we have to say in this post. If you haven’t, then you should know that it will probably happen at some point so you should pay attention anyway. Let’s take a look at why it’s a good idea to install an automatic shutoff valve in your home.

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The Pros and Cons of Different Drain Cleaning Techniques

Monday, March 5th, 2018

old-pipesEveryone has to deal with clogged drains every once in a while, and there’s no denying they’re obnoxious. While they’re not the most difficult issue to deal with, though, there are still right and wrong ways to go about it. This week, we’re going to go over a couple of professional drain cleaning techniques that are used for drain cleaning and one common technique that should never be used.

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Keep Your Water Heater in Good Shape With These Tips

Monday, February 5th, 2018

water-heater-repairWater heaters are built to last, but they’re not invincible. If you don’t take proper care of your water heater, you may find yourself having to replace the system years sooner than you thought. Fortunately for you, we’re here to supply you with the best tips around for keeping your water heater in top operating condition. Read on to find out how to keep your water heater in good shape.

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Do I Need to Schedule Drain Cleaning Services?

Monday, January 8th, 2018

drain-cleaningWhen most people experience a clog with the drains in their home, the first thing they do is resort to store bought drain cleaner. If you want your drains to stay in good condition for as long as possible, you will not do this. Store bought drain cleaners operate by using extremely caustic materials to melt whatever is causing the clog. They’ll clean out your drains, sure, but using them over a long period of time will also damage the drain pipes.

The best thing to do when you encounter a drain clog is to have a professional plumber take care of it for you. Professionals use non-corrosive means to clean drains, solving the problem for you without creating new issues down the road. If you aren’t sure whether or not you even need drain cleaning services, check out our list below.

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Limescale, How Does it Work?

Monday, December 11th, 2017

DrainThere are a lot of different problems that can afflict plumbing systems across the country, from leaks to frozen pipes. One common problem that many homeowners have in their plumbing systems, and which most of them are not even aware of, is limescale. Limescale is the result of hard water exposure, a common issue that may start small, but can become quite a bit larger as time goes on. Though it isn’t a threat to you personally, it can cause a lot of problems for your plumbing system’s health and efficiency. Have a look at how hard water causes limescale, how to identify it in your home, and what to do about it if you find it.

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